Curriculum Guide

"We all have the duty to call attention to the science and seriousness of early childhood cognitive development - because the years between birth and age five are the foundation upon which successful lives are built." Laura Bush, July 2001

The first five years of life is a period of rapid development for young children. We know that young children learn through active, direct experiences and play and not from teacher-directed, drill-based, worksheet based instruction. We know that individual children learn skills and concepts on very different paths and timetables in the early years; and one size does not fit all with young kids. Although development will follow a somewhat predictable sequence, each child's development will be unique.

Our programs use the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards as the basis for our teaching and a guide for how a child's learning is progressing as they learn and grow. Families can find more information about Florida's standards here:

Our 4 year old teachers are trained in providing Florida's Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program (VPK) which prepares early learners for success in kindergarten and beyond. VPK helps build a strong foundation for school using educational material corresponding to various stages in a child's development. To be eligible, children must live in Florida and be 4 years old on or before Sept. 1 of the current school year. Families can find more information about VPK here: and to apply for your VPK certificate, click here:

We have tailored our curriculum to meet the needs of each child individually. We learn about the child's prior knowledge and provide real life, hands-on, active learning opportunities to expand their thinking, knowledge and skills, to give them a solid foundation for a lifetime of learning!